
    Why I Stopped Drinking

    But that is not always the case.  And is the case with me, and I could never put into words exactly why I stopped, I’ve told different people, different reasons over the years.  I heard a snippet from The Ellen Show a few weeks ago when Ellen was interviewing John Mayer.  
    At the time of writing this I had stopped drinking over 1200 days ago.  I shared that not because I want a pat on the back, or an ‘atta boy’ but to share that this wasn’t something I’ve recently done.  It has been a lifestyle change.  Usually when someone stops drinking it is typically because from something negative such as they are an alcoholic or health issues, and it usually has a negative vibe to it.  

    But that is not always the case. And is the case with me, and I could never put into words exactly why I stopped, I’ve told different people, different reasons over the years. I heard a snippet from The Ellen Show a few weeks ago when Ellen was interviewing John Mayer.

    But that is not always the case. And is the case with me, and I could never put into words exactly why I stopped, I’ve told different people, different reasons over the years. I heard a snippet from The Ellen Show a few weeks ago when Ellen was interviewing John Mayer. John who is probably better with words then me, simply put it, he graduated. And for the first time that explanation was perfect on how I felt about drinking.

    The day I gave it up the plan was for six weeks.  I wanted  a set of abs, and I was always told to give up drinking for 6-8 weeks in order to get them.  At this point, I had  at friend living with me who was a World Famous Chippendale, so waking up every morning seeing him walking around with abs and what not, I became a bit jealous.  I thought I was working harder then him at the gym, eating cleaner, and drinking less than him.  But he had abs and I didn’t.  He kept telling me give up the drinking for a while.  I think he stopped for 2 years, so I did.  
    Once week 6 came around I noticed some body changes and I was addicted to wanting more of changes.  My skin got better, my weight went down, my muscle tone went up, and I was sold this was the right thing for me to do.   And I’m still working on better abs but I have some popping now.  Once you learn how to go out and not have to be drunk to have a good time, it is easy to not want to go back.  I think it bothers people more that I’m not drinking then it ever bothers me that people drink or get drunk.  But to be honest “the more you drink the funner i am so drink away” is my go to comment. 
    John who is probably better with words then me, simply put it, he graduated.  And for the first time that explanation was perfect on how I felt about drinking.  

    When I Decided to Stop

    The day I gave it up the plan was for six weeks.  I wanted  a set of abs, and I was always told to give up drinking for 6-8 weeks in order to get them.  At this point, I had  at friend living with me who was a World Famous Chippendale, so waking up every morning seeing him walking around with abs and what not, I became a bit jealous.  I thought I was working harder then him at the gym, eating cleaner, and drinking less than him.  But he had abs and I didn’t.  He kept telling me give up the drinking for a while.  I think he stopped for 2 years, so I did.  
    Once week 6 came around I noticed some body changes and I was addicted to wanting more of changes.  My skin got better, my weight went down, my muscle tone went up, and I was sold this was the right thing for me to do.   And I’m still working on better abs but I have some popping now.  Once you learn how to go out and not have to be drunk to have a good time, it is easy to not want to go back.  I think it bothers people more that I’m not drinking then it ever bothers me that people drink or get drunk.  But to be honest “the more you drink the funner i am so drink away” is my go to comment. 

    Will I Drink Again?

    The day I gave it up the plan was for six weeks.  I wanted  a set of abs, and I was always told to give up drinking for 6-8 weeks in order to get them.  At this point, I had  at friend living with me who was a World Famous Chippendale, so waking up every morning seeing him walking around with abs and what not, I became a bit jealous.  I thought I was working harder then him at the gym, eating cleaner, and drinking less than him.  But he had abs and I didn’t.  He kept telling me give up the drinking for a while.  I think he stopped for 2 years, so I did.  
    Once week 6 came around I noticed some body changes and I was addicted to wanting more of changes.  My skin got better, my weight went down, my muscle tone went up, and I was sold this was the right thing for me to do.   And I’m still working on better abs but I have some popping now.  Once you learn how to go out and not have to be drunk to have a good time, it is easy to not want to go back.  I think it bothers people more that I’m not drinking then it ever bothers me that people drink or get drunk.  But to be honest “the more you drink the funner i am so drink away” is my go to comment. 


    If you or someone you know needs help of how to stop the drinking, I suggest seeking professional assistance if it is something you can’t do on your own.  If you want to hear more about journey or if I can answer more of your questions on it, please reach out to me. As much I enjoyed drinking I enjoy not equally as much.   The biggest difference is when I go out.  Nights that are boring are more boring,  while the nights that are great nights for going out are way better.  So the lows are more low and the highs are more high.  Everything has a balance and its no different when it comes to drinking.  If you are wondering how great nights out are better sober then not, it is very simple.  For one, you remember the night!  Which goes for the second reason, you are more present, instead of being foggy.  

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