
    Small Changes Equal Big Successes

    Small Changes Equal Big Successes
    Over the years I have learned that looking at the big picture while exciting can be overwhelming trying to get there.  We look at certain goals we have and then we see all the work that has to go into it, and now we feel defeated before we begin looking at all the work we have to do to get there.   To me that is a loser mindset, and yes I have done it, but as we learn in life we should learn how to overcome poor attitudes like that and figure out ways to achieve our goals.  
    For me, I see what it takes to achieve the task or goal, and then I begin to break it down, into smaller goals and tasks.  This helps me feel a sense of accomplishment while working towards the bigger picture, keeps me focused, and helps me build momentum.  Here are some examples of how I’ve been doing this.  
    Right now I’m finishing up my first book.  I think I’ve written close to 100,000 words for it so far (I’m sure a lot will be cut) but when I first started I made an outline of each chapter, and then inside the chapter, I made another outline of what I wanted to talk about inside that chapter.  And what I would do to get each chapter done, is I would start writing about each section one section at a time,  I had set forth a goal of writing 1,000 a week, but that wasn’t the best of plans since I could never get momentum creatively going, so I made the goal of 4,000 words a month (same amount of wordings per week per say) but I would write the 4,000 in one week and make notes for the rest of the month for next month, and the juices of creativity flew!  
    Another example is when it comes to this 700-page book I’m reading for CE (Continue Education).  I am not a reader.  But what I did was break it down by chapter and page count.  Let’s say the goal is to get 5 chapters done in a week.  So it would be one chapter a day (weekends was for the workbook).  So I would look at each chapter and see how many pages I had to read for that day.  I would then break that down into manageable portions I could do in one sitting.  It started as little as five pages at a time.  So if a chapter was 30 pages, and I knew my tolerance for that day was five pages at a time, I would make 6 times a day to read 5 pages.  
    Our goal I had was to wake up before 4 am each day.  This was when I was waking up between 7 and 8.  So what I did was start setting my alarm back 8 minutes at a time.  Once I was getting up at least 5 out of the 7 days a week with the alarm, I would then go back 8 more minutes.  Until I got to 4 am.  I have a new goal is 3:30 and I’m currently at 3:43 am.  And I’m hoping to be there by August. 

    Please send me a message or start a discussion below, if this something you’ve struggled with.  Someone like you is think the same thing, however they are waiting on YOU to start the discussion

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